DDC01.2-N200A-DS01-价格:110.00元/台 最小起订量:12 台 供货总量:1 台 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
Applied Materials Pedestal 200MM 0021-22028 Rev 001
Adept 10300-15400 Amplifier B Type
Adept Tech Control Module 10300-15100 Amplifier A-Type
Del Electronics Corp. B4425 High Voltage
Tescom High Purity Flow Regulator Valve 64-2861KRT20-05
ASML 4022.437.1808 LEV. Control Board SVG
Imaging Technology Inc. 18013-000 with mm-100
Applied Materials Lower Clamp Shield 0020-02348 7, 8, 9
ASML 4022.430.1235 Laser Control Module Board SVG
Tokyo Electron 3208-000095-13 PCB PST OPT
Global-Wulfsberg System GNS-500A Loop Coupler Unit
ASML Fiber Optics cable Lot of 17 SVG CSLG
ASML 4022.436.3685/Motorola MVME 147S-1 Board SVG
CVC Products Master Control w/ ProcessTimer 365 Long Ra
CVC Products 601/2800 Work heater w/ Athena Controls Co
Spin Chuck Coater 90 Ser 200MM 38463-01 SVG 90S
Arnav Systems inc. Model R-60 453-0096 V601C
Applied Material AMAT 321-0010
SVG/ASML 859-8146-001 C Board
SVG/ASML 859-0942-005 B A1209 BOARD
ASML 4022.456.4013 1 8” Wafertable CC Flat MN C2991349
SVG/ASML 859-0942-005 A A1209 BOARD
ASML 4022.471.5745 Module Board SVG
ASML/SVG 4022.471.5457 Power Amp.
ASML 4022.471.5825 Module Card SVG
ASML 4022.471.6555 SVG Board
Tokyo Electron TVB0004-1/147CON P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8 TEL
Tokyo Electron TVB3102-1 SIO P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8 TEL Card
Tokyo Electron TVB3401-1 GPIB P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8 TEL
Tokyo Electron TVB6004-1 QMC3 P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8 TEL
Tokyo Electron TVB9003-1 316 P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8 TEL Card
SVG/ASML 923-8067-002 01 Isolation Control Signal Board
LAM Research 810-017031-004 Board Believe to be
ASML/SVG 4022.481.81541 Site Dep. Parts AT-T
Tokyo Electron 3281-000146-12 PST-STD P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8
Tokyo Electron 3281-000166-11 PST-OPT P8/P8XL/P8XLT/P-8
ASML 4022.486.5715 Coil Assembly SVG
Napco Rinse Parts Station Polypropylene w/ Sink & Pump
ASML 4022.471.6363 Module Card Board SVG
ASML 4022.481.81953 Atlas Vacuum Regulator SVG
ASML 4022.436.1718/Motorola MVME 147S-1 Board SVG
SVG/ASML 859-8090-005 G Cap Gauge ASP Assembly
FairChild MUX/CLMP 97437018-4
Spin Chuck 200MM Special 99-46702-01 SVG 90S Coater
Depro Oxygen Monitoring System Model A600
ASML 4022.484.9234 Coil Assembly SVG
ASML 4022.486.5715 Coil Assembly SVG
TEL 1D10-309697-11, 1D10-407114-11 and 1D10-406499-11
LAM Research Endpoint Detector 853-001983-011
Epichem Liquid Level Probe Vessel with Swagelok part 6L
ASML 4022.471.5701 SVG Board
ASM Mass Flow Controller (MFC) AFC-202
National Instruments AT-MIO-64F-5 Analog/Digital PC
Edwards GVI 100P Pneumatic-Bellows Sealed-Gate Valve.
MKS 153D-20-40-2 Control Valve
ASM Kit-Internal Assy-4.00 PNEU Valve 50-110109A67
ARA Services Ultra Clean 699-041 2XL Extra Large Lab ju
Source IV 908607 Mass Flow Controller Gas H2 Flow 7.5
HVA 13210-0153R-2 Vacuum Valve ASM 50-122938A11
CKD Integrated 2 port Leak Break Valve FGL11-4RM-32-015
Applied Materials? Shield KP-100059
Applied Materials Disk Plate 0021-20437 Rev A B101 Ti S
Novellus Shield 17-291213-00 1000151707001
Novellus Shield 17-291212-00 1000151707002
Applied Materials? Disk KP-100036
MKS 621C01TDFHC Remote Transducer
Applied Materials Inner Shield Clamp 0020-08299 REV 005
Applied Materials Middle Ring Shield Clamp 0020-12642 R
MKS Instruments 153D-26353 2 inch Throttle Valve
OME 40 C1 W/Cartridge 068778
Tylan / Millipore FC-2960M Mass Flow Controller
Unit UFC-1500AU Mass Flow Controller GAS
Pacific Scientific Brushless Servo motor RS32SSNA
PGT Princeton Gamma-Tech Dewar Tank 16 x 9,
MKS HPS High Vacuum Bellows Sealed Valves 153-0080P, 15
Carten HB 751 Ultra-High Purity Bellows Valve & Two ¼ M
Tescom 49-332-060 70-125 PSI Actuation Normally Closed
Tescom 49-332-060 70-125 PSI Actuation Normally Closed
Sanyo MIR-262 incubator
Loop Internal Ant. 11455-2 Global Systems
Tylan FC-2900V Mass Flow Controller Gas N2 Range 9 SLM
Unit Instruments UFC-8100 Mass Flow Controller N2
Festo CPV10-GE-MP-8, 18255, CPV-10-V1, 18200, Electrica
BOC Edwards High Vacuum Int. D37208800
Applied Materials? Disk KP-100019A, 6PIN020106004
Aera FC-D980C Mass Flow Controller
Pacific Ozone Technology Model 01 Ozone Gas Generator
Mott Gas Shield Gas Filter Diffuser Tube Tokyo Electron
Just Right Acid Fire Proof Saftey Cabinet 65 x 34 x 34
Microscan MS-3000 Decoder MS-520 Bar Code Scanner 97-10
Applied Materials Ring Cover 300mm SST 0021-17770
MKS 649A-25465 Mass Flow Controller Gas 500 SCCM
Celerity MSSAD2B1 Mass Flow Controller Gas N2
Aera FC-7810CD Mass Flow Controller GAS NH3 Fl
Fluoroware Accutek Flow-meter FM-12F-37850-P
Tescom Pressure Regulator 44-3262H283-003
Koganei Pneumatic FM-Solid Manifold X88M Series w/ Sole
SEC SEC-4600M Mass Flow Controller H2 100SLM
MKS DSSAD100 Mass Flow Controller Gas N2 Flow 2000
Unit UFC-1100 Mass Flow Control GAS H2 Flow 1
Tylan FC-2900V Mass Flow Controller GAS CF4
Donaldson Part #P510172 Compresses Ambiant
Tylan VC-4900M Mass Flow Controller GAS BC
Tylan FC-2900V Mass Flow Controller GAS CL2
Tylan FC-2900VF Mass Flow Controller GAS
Tescom High Purity Flow Regulator Valve 64-2861KRT10
Tescom 64-2862KRT10 High Purity Flow Regulator Valve
Omron AC Servo Drive R88D-UA12V 200v
Flex-Metal Bellows Edge Welded with 8” CF Flanges Prote
Unit UPC-1300 Mass Flow Controller N2 500SCCM
Aera FC-7800-CD Mass Flow Controller N2 5000 SCCM
42 XL EDS Clean Room Smocks Tech Wear, Angelica, Worklo