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产品: 圆形EVA脚垫订做/方形EVA胶垫定制/各种形状EVA垫片制 
价格: 面议 
更新日期: 2015-05-25  

EVA脚垫价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

Precision silicone mat products factory in 1998 was established in the town of Dongguan City Huangjiang Town, covers an area of 13000 square meters, under the jurisdiction of the die-cutting career and leather goods division is a set of manufacturing one of integrated enterprise, with a loop independent control of the dust-free workshop, the domestic most advanced and stable combination of production line, can satisfy the market higher and stricter quality requirements of the product. Products include digital cameras, mobile phones, tablet PCs, LCD display, LCD TV, PDA, laptop computers, cars, air conditioning, audio and other fields of die cutting products and leather products, quality and cheap!
Including: Velcro straps, copper foil, EVA pad, EVA foot, foot transparent, transparent pad, rubber mat, silicone mat, PE protective film, pet protective film, OPP protective film PVC insulation gasket, pet insulating film, foam sponge, cotton insulation, silicone keypad, adhesive die cutting, stickers die-cutting, die-cutting double-sided adhesive, EVA liners and netto, products

精质硅胶脚垫制品厂于1998年成立于东莞市黄江镇,占地13000平方米,下辖模切事业部和皮具事业部,是一家集加工制造一体的综合企业,拥有独立循环控制的无尘车间,国内最先进稳定的组合生产线,可以满足市场更高更严的产品品质需求。产品涉及数码相机、手机、平板电脑、LCD液晶显示器、LCD TV、PDA、手提电脑、汽车、空调、音响等各个领域的模切产品和皮具产品,质优价廉!:

模切冲型系列:  1、PORON泡棉、EVA泡棉等发泡材料冲压成型; 2、3M、NITTO、SONY、TESA等特殊胶带的模切冲型制品;  3、PE、PET、PU等保护膜,OCA光学胶,防爆膜的精密模切;  4、ESD防静电,EMI导电泡棉,导电导热胶,遮光屏蔽材料的模切冲型;5、各种绝缘材料,耐高温材料的模切冲型;
    6、脚垫、密封等绝缘防震材料的加工成型。 皮具制造系列: 电子,数码类产品皮套 电子,数码产品背带  http://www.evaguijiao.com/

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