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产品: 从事于DC接口研发;DC插口通过不断发展;DC母座合作伙伴 
价格: 面议 
更新日期: 2016-01-18  
  • 利铭开关电子厂
  • 联系人许小姐(先生) 经理   
  • 会员 [当前离线] [加为商友] [发送信件]
  • 邮件xswitch@163.com
  • 电话0769-83661869
  • 手机13310810302
  • 地区广东-东莞-东莞市
  • 地址广东省东莞黄江镇合路工业区工业路段

DC插座价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

Lee Ming switch electronics factory is committed to a variety of electronic switches and sockets R & D, production and sales in one of the professional manufacturer. The main production of a variety of high-end open on the socket, and take over the new customer mold development and production. Has a complete production equipment and professional engineering and technical personnel to support.
Products with a reset switch. Touch switch. Switch button. Button switch. Headphone socket. The microswitch. Keyboard USB switch socket. Self-locking switch, DC socket. The microswitch. Rocker switch. Straight key switches. Vibration switch. Switch lock. Push button type self-locking switch. Button type self-locking switch. Waterproof light touch button switch and so on.
Products are widely used in mobile phones, MP3, MP4, digital cameras, mouse, keyboard, automotive products, digital audio, home appliances, office equipment, measuring instruments, industrial control equipment, etc..
First, with the international advanced precision tooling and professional personnel, can independently develop a variety of mold. Second; with large precision automatic injection molding machine and metal punch, the implementation of computer control. Third; have a batch of high precision automatic assembly machine, in clean workshop assembly. Fourth; has a number of Japanese imports of high precision testing and experimental equipment.
Lee Ming will be a professional design, stable quality, reasonable price, quick delivery, in good faith to serve each customer.
We are adhering to the "service based, quality of survival, technology and development" business philosophy, "science and technology achievements perfect" spirit of enterprise. Http://www.anniukaiguan.com/

利铭开关电子厂是一家致力于各种电子开关与插座研发、生産及销售于一体的专业生産商。   主要生産各种高端的开关于插座,并接手客户新模具的开发和生産。 拥有完整的生産设备和专业的工程技术人员支持。


第一;拥有国际先进精密模具设施和专业人员,能独立开发各种模具。 第二;拥有大型精密自动注塑机和五金冲床,实行电脑控制化。 第三;拥有一批高精自动化组装机,在无尘车间里组装。 第四;拥有多台日本进口高精密检测及实验仪器设备。

   我们秉承“以服务爲基础、以质量爲生存、以科技求发展”的经营理念、“科技成就完美”的企业精神。  http://www.anniukaiguan.com/

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