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伸缩PVC尼龙胶塑料帆布抽油烟九州风机管 150mm

伸缩PVC尼龙胶塑料帆布抽油烟九州风机管 150mm图片
伸缩PVC尼龙胶塑料帆布抽油烟九州风机管 150mm图片0伸缩PVC尼龙胶塑料帆布抽油烟九州风机管 150mm图片1伸缩PVC尼龙胶塑料帆布抽油烟九州风机管 150mm图片2
产品: 伸缩PVC尼龙胶塑料帆布抽油烟九州风机管 150mm 
型号: 150mm 
规格: yt-150mm 
品牌: 亿通 
价格: 15.00元/米 
标签: 通风管风管尼龙管
更新日期: 2016-07-04  

PVC风管-150mm价格:15.00元/米 最小起订量:1 米 供货总量:9999 米 发货期限:自买家付款之日起1天内发货 有效期至:长期有效


1.以钢丝为骨架,PVC夹网布为管身; 伸缩弯转、驳接自由、体积轻巧,携带方便、耐油酸碱、耐腐蚀且阻燃;温度使用范围是-15℃~+85℃




flexible duct

1,Flexible duct made of PVC flam-resistant, static-free fabric with steel wire reinforced. It is able to endure acid, alkali, oleic acid ect. It is easily to turn, connect and move.

Temperature range: from -15℃ upto +85℃.

2,Diameter:4" to 60" standard length:5m or 10m; 

3,Application :Widely used in these working environment such as  tunnel, basement, ship building or welding, laboratory ,air-conditioner, engine room, the municipal conduct engineering, fire-fighting to ventilate or exhaust waste air, dust to supply fresh air. Keep save and effectively during working. With the strap or pp rope can conveniently connect to the portable v sewn duct up to the choice of the customer!  

entilator to use together. 

4, There are Hot seal duct or

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