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当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 电子电气照明 » 插座 » 防水耳机插座重点解析/沉板耳机插口主要解答/斜口耳机母座


产品: 防水耳机插座重点解析/沉板耳机插口主要解答/斜口耳机母座 
价格: 面议 
更新日期: 2017-06-26  

耳机插座价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

 Taiwan Ruifeng switch factory is a switch / socket / connector of the well-known manufacturers, suppliers and exporters, one in Taiwan headquarters with factories. With years of manufacturing experience, outstanding performance so that we in the electronic components industry has a high reputation. Ruifeng switch as one of Taiwan's leading brands, we continue to upgrade our products to meet the international standard Huai. We hold a professional team to deliver high quality and efficient Huaihuo delivery. Ruifeng electronic sincerity and efforts, so that our quality has always been able to maintain the international standard Huai.


Manufacturing design self-locking switch. Mini button switch. Movement-type blade switch. Micro-twist switch. Micro touch switch. Audio stereo headphone jack .USB interface female. DC power socket. Power ship switch. Mouse micro switch. Detector switch. Self-locking direct switch. Vibration switch. Door button switch. Five-way switch. Three-way multi-function switch. Rotary switch


Ruifeng switch was established in 1991, focused on the switch of R & D and manufacturing production, production research and development world-class switch keys, and the world's fashion trends 3C product synchronization, the main products for the touch switch and micro switch, both light, Short, small, clever modern electronics, motor parts, is now a fast way to replace other expensive, large form factor, the function of complex switches used in medical, audio and video, home appliances, mobile phones, computers and other products, can meet customers The The Http://www.switchsmt.com/


台湾瑞丰开关厂是开关/插座/连接器的知名厂商,供应商和出口商之一,在 台湾 总部设有工厂。凭藉多年的生产製造的经验,杰出表现使我们在电子元件产业中拥有高知名度。瑞丰开关身为 台湾 的领导品牌之一、我们不断地升级我们的产品,以满足国际标淮。我们持有专业团队,提供高品质高效率淮时交货。瑞丰电子的诚意和努力,让我们的品质始终能维持在国际的标淮。





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