单组份聚氨酯密封胶价格:10.00元/支 最小起订量:1 支 供货总量:1000 支 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
1、单组份聚氨酯密密封胶是一种无溶剂单组分室温固化密封胶。该密封胶呈膏状,可挤出或涂抹施工。有抗下垂性,嵌填垂直接缝和顶缝不流淌。固化后的胶层为橡胶状,有弹性。对金属、橡胶、木材、水泥构件、陶瓷、玻璃等有粘附性。密封胶是用来填充空隙(孔洞、接头、接缝等)的材料,兼备粘接和密封两大功能。1, one component polyurethane sealant thick is a solvent free single component room temperature curing sealant. The sealant is paste and can be extruded or smeared. It has sagging resistance, and the vertical joint and the top seam are not flowing. The cured adhesive layer is rubbery and elastic. Adhesion to metals, rubber, wood, cement components, ceramics, glass, etc.. Sealant is used to fill voids (holes, joints, joints, etc.) of materials, both adhesive and sealing two functions.
2, one component polyurethane sealant is widely used in civil construction, transportation and other industries:
(1) application in Architecture -- filling seal of doors and windows and glass;
(2) in civil applications, highways, bridges, runway caulking sealing;
(3) automotive applications - assembly seal of windows (mainly windshield).
Sealant is used to fill voids (holes, joints, joints, etc.) of materials, both adhesive and sealing two functions. Polyurethane sealant and silicone sealant, polysulfide sealant constitute the current top grade sealant three varieties.