河道护栏价格:35.00元/米 最小起订量:20 米 供货总量:3000 米 发货期限:自买家付款之日起12天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
高要栈道扶手栏杆 高架桥防撞护栏 锌钢防护栏全国发货河道栏杆具有哪些优点?

The grid diagram is simple in structure, beautiful, durable and not deformed.

The grid diagram is simple in structure, beautiful, durable and not deformed.

Easy to transport and easy to install.

Easy to transport and easy to install.
The installation will not be limited by the fluctuation of the landform, especially for the mountainous and multi-bend areas on the slopes, the adaptability is extremely strong.

The installation will not be limited by the fluctuation of the landform, especially for the mountainous and multi-bend areas on the slopes, the adaptability is extremely strong.

The price is moderately low, suitable for large-scale use.

The price is moderately low, suitable for large-scale use.

River railing is a kind of commodity that is very flexible to assemble. It is generally used for embankments, small rivers, rivers, reservoirs, both sides of fish ponds, etc.; it can be made into mesh walls or as temporary fences. It can be done by choosing a different method of fixing the pole.

River railing is a kind of commodity that is very flexible to assemble. It is generally used for embankments, small rivers, rivers, reservoirs, both sides of fish ponds, etc.; it can be made into mesh walls or as temporary fences. It can be done by choosing a different method of fixing the pole.

以上"高要栈道扶手栏杆 高架桥防撞护栏 锌钢防护栏全国发货"信息由企业自行提供,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。本网对此不承担任何保证责任。
以上"高要栈道扶手栏杆 高架桥防撞护栏 锌钢防护栏全国发货"信息由企业自行提供,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。本网对此不承担任何保证责任。