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MC-1200 酸性镀铜添加剂

MC-1200 酸性镀铜添加剂图片
MC-1200 酸性镀铜添加剂图片0MC-1200 酸性镀铜添加剂图片1MC-1200 酸性镀铜添加剂图片2
产品: MC-1200 酸性镀铜添加剂 
价格: 面议 
标签: 脉冲镀铜填通空填盲孔
更新日期: 2024-07-10  

价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效


1. MC-1200是一种酸性镀铜添加剂系统,专门针对连续生产的脉冲周期性反整流进行了优化;

2. 这一过程产生了一种细粒的、韧性的、具有良好分布特征的沉积物,并由两部分组成;

3. MC-1200和周期性反脉冲电镀整流器的组合可以显著缩短电镀时间,同时保持良好的镀铜层厚度分布比;

4. 尤其适合纵横比在20:1的印制电路板;

1. MC-1200 is an acid copper plating additive system that has been specifically optimized for use with pulse periodic reverse rectification on a continual production basis;

2. The process produces a fine-grained, ductile deposit with excellent distribution characteristics, and is maintained with two components;

3. The combination of MC-1200 and a periodic reverse pulse plating rectifier can significantly shorten plating times while maintaining excellent copper thickness distribution ratios;

4. Especially suitable for printed circuit boards with an aspect ratio of 20:1;

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