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产品: 铝合金推拉门窗 
价格: 880.00元/平方米 
标签: 塑料,塑钢门
更新日期: 2011-05-04  

塑料 塑钢门价格:880.00元/平方米 有效期至:长期有效

抗风压性能 Performance of wind pressure

实际测试数值:4600pa Actual test values 4600Pa

水密性能 Watertight performance

实际测试数值 Actual test values 300Pa

气密性能 Airtight performance

实际测试数值 Actual test values 0.6m3/(m.h)

坚固耐用,美观大方 Durable, beautiful

采用双边包覆设计,外框宽度80mm,无加工缺口外露,结构新颖坚固,整体线条优美,外型美观大方,满足现代人对高品质生活的追求。 Covered by bilateral design, frame width of 80mm, without processing the exposed gap, strong new structure, the overall lines of beautiful, elegant appearance, to meet the high quality of life of modern people to pursue.

人性设计,开启舒适 Human design, open comfort

设计师充分考虑了窗功能的互动性,装饰性,协调性和工艺性的综合要求,推拉气密窗的内框料根据人体工程学原理设计,加大扶手的断面设计,使开启更加舒适,手感更加顺畅,如此人性化设计,只为了使您的家居生活更加舒适,安全。 Designers take full account of the interactive features of the window, decorative, coordination, and process of the comprehensive requirements of the inner sliding window frame sealing materials designed according to ergonomic principles, to increase the cross section handrail design, open more comfortable feel more smooth, so user friendly design, just to make your home life more comfortable, safe.

创新设计,防水性好 Innovative design, good waterproof

下横料采用高阶梯式,两轨道高度差为22mm,内轨道的特殊形状设计使外轨道顶部到内轨道密封槽槽口高度达到了8.6mm。有了这样的高度差,在再大的风雨下,窒外侧的水也不易被吹入室内,同时又加装了排水孔防止水倒流,达到了很好的防水效果。 Materials under high horizontal ladder, the two orbital altitude difference of 22mm, special shape design inside the orbit to orbit within the outer track to the top of a high degree of sealing groove notch reached 8.6mm. With this height difference, in another big storm, the stifling of water is not easily blown outside the room, while installing a drainage hole to prevent reverse flow of water to achieve a good waterproof effect.

新型密封,一举两得 New seal, double benefit

推拉气密窗的气密条设计改变了以往传统的直线,一个面与型材接触的密封方式,采用了点接触,而且把气密条的端头设计成弧型,保证了其推拉的顺畅性,又达到了很好的气密效果,一举两得。 Article airtight airtight sliding window design changes the conventional line, a surface sealing contact with the profile mode, using a point contact, and the sealing strip the ends of the arc designed to ensure the smoothness of its push-pull also achieved a good sealing effect, kill two birds.

门框最大尺寸80(mm) 产地广州
抗风压性能5000(Pa) 拉伸屈服强度国标(MPa)
弯曲弹性模量国标(MPa) 摆锤冲击量国标(kJ/m2)
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