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产品: Low-E玻璃磁控溅射镀膜生产线 
价格: 面议 
标签: low-e玻璃镀膜生产线
更新日期: 2011-05-05  

low-e玻璃镀膜生产线价格:0.00元/ 供货总量:10 有效期至:长期有效

本生产线既可以生产遮阳型低辐射玻璃,又可以生产高透型低辐射玻璃,也可以生产热反射隔热镀膜玻璃,满足不同地区的不同需要;还可以生产多种不同颜色(交涉膜,又称彩色膜)的镀膜玻璃、自洁玻璃,设备可按客户要求订造,满足不同客户的需求。 低辐射玻璃(Low-E)是在优质浮法玻璃原片上采用真空磁控溅射方法镀制一层纳米级的金属银层而成。可以使玻璃的辐射率从0.84降低至0.1,甚至更低,辐射热损减少90%,从而达到节能、环保的目的。 低辐射镀膜玻璃能反射远红外热能,与普通镀膜产品相比能允许高可见光透过,低室外反射。合成中空后,拥有所有玻璃种类中最低的U值,既能保持室内通透明亮,又能保证冬暖夏凉。 结构特点 1、采用新型的平面和柱状磁控溅射射靶技术,提高镀膜效果和效率。 2、配备高精度的磁控电源、气体流量和速度控制,自动化程度高,操作简便,性能稳定。 3、膜层均匀性好、附着力强、硬度高、抗腐蚀性好,可镀多种颜色的膜系。 4、真空室有传统的立式设计和高效的卧式设计,满足不同层次客户的需要。

Low emissivity glass (Low-E) is made by coating a nanoscale silver layer on the high quality float glass under the method of vacuum magnetron sputtering. It can make the radiance of the glass reduce from 0.84 to 0.1, even more lower. The radiance heat waste is reduced 90%; The light transmittance is kept between 30% and 80%; so as to reach the purpose of energy saving and environmental protection.
Low-E Glass can reflect far infrared heat energy, and comparing with ordinary coated products, it allows high visible light to pass through it, makes low outdoor reflection, synthesizes midheaven, and then provided with the lowest U value among all kinds of glass. It not only can keep indoor bright, but also can ensure cool in summer and warm in winter.
The Main Features:
1.This production line not only can produce sun-shading type of Low-E Glass, high transparent type of Low-E Glass, heat reflected heat insulation coated glass, to meet the needs of different areas; but also can produce coated glass with multicolour, self-cleanness glass, to meet the needs of different customers. Our company introduces into the technology of AC medium frequency double targets sputtering from Leybold, Germany. The evenness of the film has superiority over which under other sputtering methods.
2.Working method: horizontal type, half continuous production. The workpiece comes in from one end and comes out form the other end. Multilayer film is finished at a time.
3.It uses high class electrical source, high class gas flow, gas speed controlling, to ensure the consistency of coating parameter. The film layer is even with strong adhesive force and high rigidity.

用途Low-e glass Metallzing别名Low-E glass Sputter Metallizing Line
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