钥匙配饰价格:7.00元/pcs 有效期至:长期有效
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【简介】:选用上等水晶,经切割、挖空、打磨、抛光等多道手工工序精心制作。 产品晶莹剔透,在给你带来视觉上明快享受的同时,还能为你沏出一壶清凉的香茶。 水晶蕴含着神秘的力量,可以安神净心,带来财富;并有驱病祛邪的作用。 我国明代著名医学家李时珍在<本草纲目>中记述: 水晶“辛寒无毒”“治惊悸心热,肺痈吐脓.咳逆气”; 能“安心明目,去赤眼.尉热肿”,“益毛发,悦颜色”。 【水晶养护】 | ||||||||||
跨越水晶拥有传统的工艺技术,同时拥有先进制作工艺,包括独立锯料、压型、刻面、平磨、打孔、打凹、喷沙、内雕、上色、烤色等多种生产工艺流程。 跨越水晶专业生产各种水晶工艺品、促销礼品、婚庆礼品、水晶奖杯、水晶烟缸、水晶内雕、琉璃工艺品、水晶球、水晶深雕、水晶香水瓶、水晶钥匙扣、水晶灯具配件、水晶首饰配件、水晶串珠、水晶影像等多种水晶工艺品,工艺精细,造型别致,典雅大方,具有较高的欣赏价值与收藏价值,(适用于各种婚宴、会议、开业、同学会等!)深受中外客户的喜爱,产品在市场供不应求,并建立了一条优秀的供销网络。本厂本着质量第一、信誉至上的宗旨,竭诚为客户提供优质服务,热诚欢迎各位新老客户洽谈业务,共谋发展. (因同类产品规格多种,发布所填价格仅供参考,一切面议!) Pujiang Spanning Crystal Arts & Crafts factory (Pujiang Spanning) is located at Zhejiang Pujiang city, which is China’s biggest crystal and glass manufacturing basement and known as capital of the calligraphy and crystal. Pujiang Spanning has beed established in 2008. It was the partner of Pujiang Lao Zhang Crystal Arts & Crafts factory , established in 1994. the partner. Reling on the geography superiority, advanced equipment, advanced technology and staff's inceasing self-charge, nowadays Pujiang Spaning has become into the aircraft carrier among domestic and overseas colleague! Our main products are crystal tableware, crystal set, crystal decoration and ornament, crystal scent-bottles and so on, we have a whole set of handicraft series. " dares to explore, dares to innovate " is our factory-running objective, welcome the new and old customers to contact our factory for cooperation (supporting customers’special order), we will use our full faithand high quality to win your sincere aspiration!! we hope our high quality products can create a greater wealth for the customers!!! |
种类 | 钥匙挂件 | 挂件材质 | 金属、水晶、玻璃/琉璃 |
风格 | 简约 | 样式 | 情侣式 |
钥匙配饰分类 | 钥匙扣 | 造型 | 几何型 |
品牌 | 跨越水晶 | 处理工艺 | 镶水晶 |
送礼对象 | 送孩子/宝宝、送客户、送领导、送姐姐/妹妹 | 适用送礼场合 | 会议庆典、开业典礼、节日庆祝、婚庆、其他 |
是否提供加工定制 | 是 |