PP再生料价格:8300.00元/吨 有效期至:长期有效
本部成立于1999年,2000年3月开始成立博华塑料加工厂.既本部是一个生产,销售为一体的服务体系,本厂专业生产塑料再生造粒.及PP(聚丙烯)注塑 挤出成型用料.
我厂备有10余台塑料造粒机组,年产量可达5000吨.充分的产量给您带来了很大的方便.有再生塑料辨认专家3人,也为我们的多样化生产提供了有利条件.10余位的的生产管理人员,在选料 配色 调温 改性均有多年的经验. 长期供应白色PP再生造粒料,我厂生产的白色PP再生料有一级、二级两主 要用于注塑,轧板。一级白色PP再生料主要用于包装桶、涂料桶的生产去不采用进口的废旧工程PP塑料破碎洗净后加工成颗粒。二级白色PP再生料主要用于注塑,是降低成本的好产品。
The department was established in 1999, March 2000 started BoHua plastic factories. Both part is a production, the sale is a body specialized production factory, the service system of plastic granules. And regeneration of polypropylene (PP) injection moulding material.
We have 10 sets, plastic lines.after unit production could reach 5000 tons. Full production brought you very convenient. There are 3 people identifying plastic expert, but also for our diversified production provides favorable conditions for the 10. The production management, materials in all colors tempering have years of experience of modification of PP. Long-term supply white material production plant regeneration granulation, the white PP again, second class raw have two main for injection, rolling plate to. 1 white PP again is mainly used for packing buckets and nesting-integrated bucket to the production of imported PP plastic waste engineering wash broken into granules. Secondary white PP injection, mainly used to raw is lower the cost of product.
颜色 | 白色 | 级别 | 一级 |
形态 | 颗粒 |