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产品: 得利铸造供应冲床飞轮铸铁件 
价格: 6500.00元/吨 
标签: 铸铁
更新日期: 2011-05-06  

铸铁价格:6500.00元/吨 最小起订量:1 吨 供货总量:1000 吨 有效期至:长期有效

“东莞市塘厦龙背岭得利铸造厂” 位于塘厦镇龙背岭工业区恒福路,主营 铸铁、铸铝、配重铁、机械铸件、灯饰配件,机械加工。
我厂创建于1988年,有着20多年的丰富的生产制造 经验,可以铸造10克到10吨的产品,铸造部有两大车间!一车间为机模车间,采用20多台台湾制造的机模,主要生产10克-20公斤的产品;二车间为机械铸造车间,主要生产20公斤到10吨的机械配件,采用消失模技术,外观精美,结构坚固,受到广大高速冲床厂家的喜爱!成为“宜家”和“沃尔玛”的推荐供应商,现在在东莞和惠州(惠州市仲恺区陈江镇东升管理区)两大基地生产;占地面积1万平方米!惠州基地增设了加工车间:配有几十台机床,及全新的汉川大镗床,可以更好的配合客户生产!公司秉承“质量、服务、价格”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾!
"Following enterprise dragon back range runs foundries" is located in enterprise dragon back range industrial zone constant fuk road, the main cast iron, aluminum, counterweight iron, machinery casting, lighting fittings, mechanical processing.
Customer types: lighting plants: (aggravating iron, counterweight block, desk lamp, floor lamp, tubes, ornamental work of lighting counterweight encough flowers such as aluminum, Dongya electronic counterweight block, telephone (counterweight block, a "daruma" aggravating blocks, etc; Machinery factory: (punch, high-frequency, ultrasonic, screen printing, pad printing machine etc machinery accessories.
Our factory was founded in 1988, has 20 years of rich production experience, can casting 10 grams to 10 tons of products, casting department has two big shop! A workshop for method.the workshop, using more than 20 sets of ling "made in Taiwan, the main production 10 grams - 20 kilograms of products; Two workshop for mechanical casting workshop, mainly produces 20 kg to 10 tons of mechanical fittings, adopts the LFF technology, the outward appearance is exquisite, firm structure, by the high speed punch manufacturer of love! Become "ikea" and "wal-mart" recommended supplier, now in dongguan and huizhou (huizhou area ZhongKai ChenJiangZhen donsen zone) two major base production. Covers an area of 10,000 square meters. Huizhou base of additional processing workshops: equipped with dozens of machine tool, and new HanChuan big boring, can better cooperate with customer production! Companies adhering to the "quality, service, price" business philosophy, adhere to the "customers first" principle to provide our clients with quality services. Welcome patrons!

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