AIKOH機械式推拉力計AEF价格:1000.00元/PCS 最小起订量:1 PCS 有效期至:长期有效
產品說明: | |
Analog Type Push Pull Gage | AWF/ANF/AEF |
Mechanical push-pull force gage for tension and comperession tests by hand operation or after mounting on test stands. Stop Pointer System is applied so that the pointer of dial face remains at the maximum loadvalue. The pointer can be returned to ZERO point by pressing release button. Tracking Mode that the pointer shows the instant load value is also available by a definitesetting of thebutton. As the casing is made of reinforced plastic instead of conventional metal, compact and light weight design to fit humans hand is achieved. Accuracy is guaranteed with1% of the full scale (adjusted to be within0.5% of full scale at the time of shipment from factory). Attachments for thegages below 30N(3kgf) capacity are made of aluminum. | |
| Model | Capacity | MInimum Reading | AWF-10 | 10N | 0.1N | AWF-20 | 20N | 0.2N | AWF-30 | 30N | 0.25N | AWF-50 | 50N | 0.5N | AWF-100 | 100N | 1N | AWF-200 | 200N | 2N | AWF-300 | 300N | 2.5N | AWF-500 | 500N | 5N |
| Model | Capacity | MIn. Reading | Capacity | MIn. Reading | ANF-10 | 10N | 0.1N | 1kgf | 10gf | ANF-20 | 20N | 0.2N | 2kgf | 20gf | ANF-30 | 30N | 0.25N | 3kgf | 25gf | ANF-50 | 50N | 0.5N | 5kgf | 50gf | ANF-100 | 100N | 1N | 10kgf | 100gf | ANF-200 | 200N | 2N | 20kgf | 200gf | ANF-300 | 300N | 2.5N | 30kgf | 300gf | ANF-500 | 500N | 5N | 50kgf | 500gf |
| Model | Capacity | MInimum Reading | AEF-1 | 1kgf | 10gf | AEF-2 | 2kgf | 20gf | AEF-3 | 3kgf | 25gf | AEF-5 | 5kgf | 50gf | AEF-10 | 10kgf | 100gf | AEF-20 | 20kgf | 200gf | AEF-30 | 30kgf | 250gf | AEF-50 | 50kgf | 500gf |
品牌 | AIKOH | 型号 | AEF |
类型 | 机械拉力试验机 | 测量范围 | 1-100(KN) |
测量精度 | 0.1N | | |