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Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop

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产品: Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop 
型号: Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop是用于混凝土的预伴彩色矿物干撒式地面硬化剂,由精选的矿物骨料 
规格: Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop是用于混凝土的预伴彩色矿物干撒式地面硬化剂,由精选的矿物骨料 
品牌: Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop是用于混凝土的预伴彩色矿物干撒式地面硬化剂,由精选的矿物骨料 
价格: 1.00元/公斤 
标签: Sikafloor3
更新日期: 2017-09-13  

混凝土的预伴彩色矿物地面硬化剂价格:1.00元/公斤 最小起订量:1 公斤 供货总量:10000000 公斤 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop是用于混凝土的预伴彩色矿物干撒式地面硬化剂,由精选的矿物骨料Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop是用于混凝土的预伴彩色矿物干撒式地面硬化剂,由精选的矿物骨料
Sika地面硬化剂简介(Produt Description)
  Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop是用于混凝土的预伴彩色矿物干撒式地面硬化剂,由精选的矿物骨料、水泥、特殊添加剂及颜色组成。

Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop is a preblended coloured mineral dry shake hardener for concrete comprising of specially selected quartz mineral aggregates, cements, compatible admixtures and pigment.

  * Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop为整体地坪提供坚硬耐磨的矿物干撒面层。撒播并打磨施工到新鲜湿润的混凝土地坪,即形成平滑的彩色耐磨表面。
* 特别适用于仓库、工厂、购物中心、公共场所、宾馆和博物馆等场所的整体地坪。

* Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop provides a hard wearing, mineral dry shake topping for monolithic follrs. When sprinkled and trowelled into fresh wet concrete floors, it forms a coloured, wear resistant smooth surface.
* Typical uses are in warehouses, factories, Shopping malls, public areas.restaurants and museums.

  * 高度耐磨
* 抗冲击
* 节约成本、使用期限长
* 防尘
* 容易清洁
* 提高抗油及油脂性能
* 颜色多样
* 封住混凝土中的纤维

* Good wear resistance rating
* Impact resistance
* Cost effective surface hardener
* Dust proof
* East proof
* Increased resistance to oils and grease
* Quality assured factory blending
* Wide range of colours
* Suppresses fibres in concrete

Sika地面硬化剂数据(Product Data)
形 态 粉 料
颜 色 原色(水泥灰);其他颜色按要求而定
包装 25kg/袋
储存期 原装密封,可保存一年
储存条件 储存于阴凉(+5℃~+30℃)、干燥的地方且防潮
耐磨性 Class“AR2”高度耐磨(BS 8204)
Conforms to the requirements of BS 8204
Form Powder
Colours Natural
Other colours available on request.
Packaging 25kg bags
Storage Conditions/
12 months from date of production if stored in undamaged original sealed containers in dry conditions at temperatures between+5℃-and +30℃
Abrasion Resistance Class”AR2”High Abrasion Resistance(BS8204)
Sika地面硬化剂施工须知(Information Application Details)
用 量
Approx 5kg/m2
(Substrate Quality)
底层混凝土必须质地坚固。塌落度须在75~110mm 之间,效果最佳。 需采用水灰比最小的混凝土,并在浇捣时完全压实。抗压强度需在25N/mm 2以上 。建议使用Sikament 或Sika ViscoCrete增塑剂确保最佳的混凝土质量;若使用纤维则在混合过程中应尽量打散。

The concrete should be of consistent quality.
Aconcrete slump in the range 75 to 110mm will normally give best resuits. The slab should be of good quality concrete with a minimum water/cement ratio consistent with the production of a fully compacted slab the compressive strength should be a minimum of 25 N/mm2. The use of Sikament or Sika ViscoCrete super plasticisers is advised to ensure the optimum quality of concrete and where fibres are used , maximum dispersion within the mix.

(Application Conditions/Limits)
基面温度 最低: +5℃; 最高: +35℃
+5℃ min; +35℃ max
(Air Temperature)
最低: +5℃; 最高: +35℃
+5℃ min; +35℃ max.
(Reiative Air Humidity)
最低: 30%; 最高: 98%
0%RH min; 98%RH max.
Sika地面硬化剂施工指引(Application Instructions)
  施工方法/工具(Application Method/Instrument)
找平后,立即将Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop按5kg/m2用量,一次性均匀撒播在混凝土上。
手工施工:待表面析出的水蒸发,将Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop分两次(第一次:3kg/m2;第二次2kg/m2;)均匀地撒播到找平的混土上。施工粉末时应小心,避免混凝土表面形成坑洼。施工总用量为5kg/m2。若不注意或向离撒播点2m以外抛洒Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop,都将减底终面层的一致性。
压实:第一次撒播的材料抹入地板后,立即撒播第二次份量的Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop。Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop使混凝土板表面硬化得比平常要快。小心修整将要浇捣的邻接边角。可用物工或电动债权刀进行收光,封闭孔隙及修平表面。

Automatic spreader in conjunction with a laser screed;
Spread Sikafloor 3 QuartzTopevenly onto the concrete immediately after screeding at 5kg/m2 in one application.
Manual application;
Allow the surface bleed water to evaporate,Sprinkle Sikafloor 3 QuartzToponto the screeded concrete evenly in 2 stages(first stage:3kg/m2;second stage2kg/m2;)Care should be taken to apply the powder to avoid creating ripples etc. In the concrete surface. Overall application rate 5kg/m2。Casting Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop powder carelessly or further than 2 metres from point of casting will reduce the consistency of finish.
The first stage should be worked into the slab followed immediately with the sprinking on of the second measurement of Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop。
Sikafloor 3 QuartzTopresults in the slab surface becoming stiff more quickly than usual, Careful trimming should take place along the edges where adjoining siabs are to be poured.
Final finishing to close pores and remove undulations can be achieved either by hand or powered trowel.

Sika地面硬化剂施工注意事项(Notes on application Limits)

The application of the dry shake powder should not be carried out in strong draughts.
Concrete substrate characteristics such as water content and cement quality may induce slight colour variations.
Colour variation during the drying our period is normal for this system and is to be expected.
Dry shake hardeners give a finish to concrete with some colour variation acrossthe floor dur to the natural variability of the concrete onto which the concrete onto which they are applied.
At low relative humidities there is a risk of efflorescence.
At high relative humidities there is a risk of beeding, slower curing, hardening and extended finishing operations.

接 缝(Joints)
  地坪收光后立即用Sikafloor ProSeal 22(参考产品说明书)封闭和养护Sikafloor 3 QuartzTop。
基面温度 +10℃ +20℃ +30℃
可步行 18小时 12小时 8小时
完全投入使用 10天 7天 5天>/td>
Applied product ready For use;
Substrate Temperature +10℃ +20℃ +30℃
Foot Traffic 18hrs 12hrs 8hrs
Fully Serviceable 10days 7days 5days
The above values are dependant upon the concrete reaching its design strength for serviceability and will be affected by changing amient conditions。
地方限制(Local restrictions)

Please note that as a result of specific local regulations the performance of this product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local Product Data Sheet for the exact description of the application fields.

防护措施(Health and Dafety Information Protective Measures)

During application in closed roons, pits and shafts, etc. Sufficient ventilation must be provided. Keep away open light including welding.
To avoid rare allergic reactions, we recommend the use of butyl rubber/ nitril rubber gloves. Change soiled work clothes and wash hands before breaks and after finishing work.
Local regulations as well as heaith and safety advice on packaging labels must be observed.

Legal Notes
  The information, and in particular, the recommmendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions, iIn practice, the differences in materialsm substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users should always refer to the most recent issue of the product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request
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