alumina hydrate价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
Activated alumina is good of reactivity and stability in use,especially together with our KC-201 will have good effection in sulfur recovery.
Appearance: red-brown SPHER
Sphere Size: Φ4-6mm
Bulk Density: 0.70-0.75 g/cm3
Crush resistance: 130Min. N/sphere
Specific Surface: 280Min. m2/g
Activated Alumina is a form of Aluminium Oxide that is very porous and bonds with certain liquid and gases without its chemical or physical form changing, Due to its high porosity, it has a high ratio of surface area to weight, it is commonly used as a desiccant, for water treatment, and as a catalyst in natural gas and refining operations.
A desiccant is a substance with a high affinity for water,which has a drying effect on its local atmosphere,such as inside a sealed container,As a desiccant, Acticated Alumina operates by the process of adsorption, thi should not be confused with the more commonly know process of absorption, Absorption is a physical process by which a fluids is drawn into and fills the empty spaces in a solid without bonding to it. Adsorption, on the other hand,is a process in which the fluid drawn into the solid material's pores actually bonds chemically with the solid material.
When exposed to activated alumina,water molecules in the air will bond to the alumina, thereby resulting in drier air. If the material is heated, it will release the water bonded to it back into the air, This process of binding to and releaseing water can be repeated indefinitely,making this material one of the most common desiccants.
It can also adsorb other materials such as arsenic,fluoride,copper,and lead,This ability makes it a suitable candidate for use in water treatment operations. In many cases, it is more cost-effective than a cutting-edge, large-scale water treatment facility. Activated alumina water treatment is often the method of choice for rural areas and small municipal facilities.
Best Regards
Yang Haitao
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