TOYOTA IT2价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
TOYOTA Intelligent Tester2 IT2 for Toyota and Suzuki
All type of Toyota(made after 2000) and Lexus included read code, clear code , data flow, action testing and guard against theft initialization function. And it also supports OBD-II.
Newest software version release!
Version: 2012.08 月份
It contain three cards in the package, 2011 toyota, 2012 toyota and 2012 suzuki card.
1. Main function:
Read wrong code
Clean wrong code
Reade date stream
Draw date strem curved shape
Setting system
Control unit programming
Sefl test function
Record and review function
2. Test system
Automatic transmission
Controlled traction differential
Stability control
Airbag security
Central doorlock
Meter cruise suspension air-conditioning
Electronial control turning system
3.Vehicle oscillograph
SMT and execute component
Dual mono oscillograhp
Setting time base & electrical level automatically
Storage & playback
4. Digital multimeter
Electrical system test
Voltage frequency duty cycle
1. Character:
1) Touchscreen & back lighting control
2) Easy & quick
2. After service:
1) Guarantee: one year, from the date equipment arrival
2) Upgrade free for one year
3) Upgrade method: Email
3. Language:
1) English,2)French,3)German,4)Italian,5)Spanish,6)Chinese.7)Swedish,8)Slovak,9)Portuguese,10)Polish,11)Norwegian,12)Hungarian,13)Greek,13)Indonesian,14)Russian,15)Turkish
SUZUKI SDT examples for testing the vehicle
This product can only do north america area suzuki, please notice. If you want professional suzuki diagnostic tool, please choose GM TECH2+ Suzuki 32MB Card.
SUZUKI SDTis the SUZUK company professional diagnostic tool for the Suzuki car. It have diagnostic function,oscillograph function, multimeter function. It the a very usefull machine to help you repair the SUZUKI car.
1. Equipment on-line
1) turn on the equipment power
2.) to be connected with OBD diagnostic cable
2. Star the equipment
Turn on the power,entering into the interface then click the "automation"button
Package list:
1. Mainframe -- 1pc
2. OBD-II -- 1pc
3. Charging line -- 1pc
4. Lin line -- 1pc
5. Measuring leads for multimeter 1 -- 1pc
6. Measuring leads for multimeter 2 -- 1pc
7. Card -- 3pcs(2011 Toyota, 2012 Toyota and 2012 Suzuki card)
带3张卡 有带防盗功能 带3张卡,丰田/铃木 2012 丰田2011
丰田2011 支持多语言
IT2 软件铃木 丰田升级至2012.8月份 版本
英 德 法 西班牙 意大利 中文 瑞典 斯洛伐克 葡萄牙 波兰 挪威 匈牙利 希腊 印度尼西亚 俄罗斯 土耳其
Toyota Intelligent Tester II是丰田公司最新推出的第二代检测仪,可以诊断丰田/ 凌志装备OBDII和CAN Bus总线系统的车型。Intelligent Tester II采用结构紧凑的掌上电脑,触摸屏操作,中文显示。
产品配置 |
发动机 |
测试传感器和执行器 |
自动变速箱 |
测试初级点火和次级点火(需选件) |
单通道示波器 |
牵引力控制 |
双通道示波器(需选件) |
稳定性系统 |
全自动示波器--自动设定时基,电平 |
安全气囊 |
存储和回放 |
防盗 中央门锁 |
数字万用表 |
仪表 巡行 悬挂 空调 |
测试电器系统 |
电控转向系统 |
电压 频率 占空比 |
模块功能[Intelligent Tester] |
读故障码,清故障码 |
读数据流 |
绘制数据流趋势曲线 |
系统设定 |
控制单元编程 |
自动检侧仪器内部状态 |
记录和回放 |
双向控制功能--在驱动执行元件同时 |
以上"TOYOTA IT2 丰田IT2二代诊断仪"信息由企业自行提供,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。本网对此不承担任何保证责任。