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Ford VCM IDS福特马自达路虎捷豹 汽车检测器

Ford VCM IDS福特马自达路虎捷豹 汽车检测器图片
Ford VCM IDS福特马自达路虎捷豹 汽车检测器图片0Ford VCM IDS福特马自达路虎捷豹 汽车检测器图片1Ford VCM IDS福特马自达路虎捷豹 汽车检测器图片2
产品: Ford VCM IDS福特马自达路虎捷豹 汽车检测器 
价格: 面议 
更新日期: 2012-10-30  

ford vcm价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

New Ford Rotunda Dealer IDS VCM V80 JLR V130 for Ford Mazda Jaguar LandRover


Attention this when install the software:

1. Your computer must be windows XP SP2 or SP3
2. Software need install on C://
3. Need install the convert software and follow the instruction.

Note that the application will detect the interface device that is connected to the laptop. Indicator icon will appear at the bottom right-hand corner of the IDS screen when the VCM  are connected.


Ford VCM IDS (VCM) is a high performance, rugged, vehicle serial communications gateway. This device provides multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the requirements of all Ford Motor Company vehicles.
The VCM unit is housed in a magnesium enclosure with a tough, protective, plastic cover for the PCMCIA expansion slot which can, for example, be used for wireless LAN cards or memory expansion.
The VCM device contains five LED status indicators to provide the user with a visual mode of internal VCM, vehicle, and host device (e.g. NGS Classic's T-Handle, PC, Pocket PC/PDS, and Laptop/IDS) operation.
The VCM also has detachable cables for connection to industry standard high-speed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test.
The VCM DVD includes both IDS (Integrated Diagnostic Software) and PDS (Portable Diagnostic Software) tools.
Diagnostic coverage includes most 1996 2008 MY (produced 1995 2007) Ford, Lincoln/Mercury & Mazda vehicles.
It can do four car model. IDS for Ford and Mazda, JLR for Jaguar and Landrover


1. Application Overview
Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) is the next generation diagnostic tool. IDS integrates WDS software modified to run on an off-the-shelf laptop with the Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) currently used in NGS+ and PDS, and a new Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM).

2. Vehicle Diagnostic Connectors
The VCM 16-pin DLC cable is used to connect the VCM to the vehicle. The VCM and VMM connect to the laptop through the inthernet-USB Adapter Cable (H406/H416).

3. Interface Devices
The interface devices that are used with this application are:
VCM Vehicle Communication Module: This device provides all link based functionality including: Data logger, Self test, Service Functions, Module Configuration and Programming, etc.

4.Supported languages
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Netherlands, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak.

5. Software version:
IDS: V76
JLR: V128

6. Special feature:
It can install IDS software and JLR software on one computer. Through a convert software, can realize software convert from IDS and JLR. It is free update through internet.

7. Working car year?
This machine can do ford and mazda old and new cars, no year limitation. For jaguar and landrover,it can only do after 2005 year. It will ask for pin code for ford cars before 2009 when you do key programming. After 2010, it do not need pin code.

Requirements on Hardware and Software Installation:

1.1 Please install IDS and JLR to Local Disk C

IDS software is for Ford and Mazda, and it must be installed to Local Driver C;
JLR software is for Jaguar and Land Rover, and Local Driver C is also required.
Moreover, at least 15G available space is required on your Local Driver C when installing the software

1.2 Requirements on computer configuration
Computer memory:  at least 1GB
CPU: at least 1GHz
Netbooks (ULPC:Ultra low-cost PC) not allowed

1.3 Requirements on computer USB interface
Every laptop has more than one USB ports, one of them is the MAIN PORT, and others are AUXILIARY PORT, please make sure the USB port works and use MAIN PORT

1.4 Requirements on computer operating system
For computer operation system, please use Windows XP(sp2 or sp3) professional Edition 32-Bit.
Home Edition and other systems are not allowed

1.5. Need install the convert software and follow the instruction.
Note that the application will detect the interface device that is connected to the laptop. Indicator icons will appear at the bottom right-hand corner of the IDS screen when the VCM  are connected.

Package list:

Vehicle communication module(VCM)
16-pin DLC long cable
IDS 4m PC Ethernet-USB host cable
DVD(Land Rover/Jugar)

福特、马自达、路虎和捷豹,永不锁机,免费升级(和原厂的VCM的升级频率相同),免费技术支持,免费代查密码,取消了JLR 127的登录的用户名和密码,实现1台电脑安装2套软件,为客户节约一台电脑,免费代查密码.
铁壳/双层主板高质量!检测 编程  防盗 免费升级!

最新软件:IDSV80 / JLRV129 技术支持,提供安装说明、安装视频

Integrated Diagnostic System(IDS)是福特公司2006年推出的诊断系统,是唯一完全覆盖所有现在和将来的福特,林肯,水星以及及马自达车型。IDS替代了过去的Worldwide Diagnostic System(WDS)诊断系统,具有WDS的全部功能。作为一个新的诊断系统,IDS能够诊断未来的车型。


读故障码、清故障码       读数据流
绘制数据流曲线             系统设定
控制单元编程                自检          记录和回放

发动机                     自动变速器
ABS                        牵引力控制
稳定性控制                安全气囊


1xUSB-网线  (4m )



FLY切换软件实现2套软件(福特和马自达IDS软件、路虎JLR IDS软件)安装到一台电脑内

5.取消了捷豹和路虎的软件JLR 127的登录的用户名和密码

1.VCM/IDS福特车和马自达车的软件版本:IDS V80
1. 西班牙 2. 斯洛文尼亚 3. 英语 4. 希腊
5. 德语 6. 丹麦 7. 捷克 8. 繁体中文
9. 简体中文 10. 美?? 11. 越南 12. 土耳其
13. 泰语 14. 瑞典 15. 俄语 16. 葡萄牙
17. 葡萄牙(巴西) 18. 波兰 19. 挪威 20. 荷兰
21. 朝鲜语 22. 日语 23. 意大利 24. 印度尼西亚
25. 匈牙利 26. 法语 27法语(加拿大) 28. 芬兰
29. 西班牙(墨西哥)      
1. 检测功能 1.支持所有的福特和马自达,等于VCM/IDS的功能;
2. 编程功能 1.支持所有的福特和马自达,等于VCM/IDS的功能;
3. 防盗功能 1.支持所有的福特和马自达,等于VCM/IDS的功能;


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