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瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00

瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00图片
瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00图片0瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00图片1瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00图片2
产品: 瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00 
型号: E1仿真器 
规格: R0E000010KCE00 
品牌: 瑞萨 
价格: 面议 
标签: e1
更新日期: 2013-04-23  

价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

瑞萨E1仿真器 R0E000010KCE00

Target Devices

  • V850 Family1 2
  • RX Family
  • RL78 Family
  • R8C Family
  • 78K Family

1. V850E2/ME3 is not suppoted by E1 and E20 emulators. Use MINICUBE (QB-V850MINIL) as the applicable software.
2. V850E/Dx3, V850E/IA1, V850E/IA2, V850E/PHO3, V850E/RS1, V850E/RS2, and V850E/ME2 are not suppoted by E1 and E20 emulators.
Use the emulator below for each MCU.

    • V850E/Dx3 : MINICUBE2 (QB-MINI2)
    • V850E/PHO3, V850E/ME2 : MINICUBE (QB-V850MINIL)

Click here for the information on the detailed target devices.


As a highly affordable on-chip debugging emulator for Renesas's mainstream MCUs, E1 provides all the basic debugging functions while serving as a flash programmer at the same time1.

Either serial or JTAG connection can be selected depending on the MCU type.

In addition to the basic debugging functions, it incorporates Hot Plugin2 function that allows you to connect the E1 emulator without having to turn off the system, thus achieving efficient debugging and performance evaluation.

Notes :
1. Applicable software varies depending on the MCU type. For details, click Software info from " Further Information".
2. You need a corresponding Hot Plug adapter (optional) to use this function. Hot Plugin is not supported in some MCU types



:李进(先 生)


TEL     :0755-36675904

MOB    :13798234453
FAX     :0755-83244576

ADD    :深圳市福田区福明路雷圳大厦西半层503室(上海宾馆对面)

EMAIL :lijin810230@163.COM



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