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产品: 日照黑色耐磨磷化液丨日照纯锰系磷化液丨实拍图 
型号: MPS856 
规格: 企业标准 
品牌: MP 
价格: 1.00元/千克 
标签: 纯锰系磷化液
更新日期: 2015-08-24  

价格:1.00元/千克 最小起订量:30 千克 供货总量:880000 千克 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效









The physical and chemical activity of cleaning agent and mechanical its contribution to limited circumstances, the various methods of strengthening. The traditional method can improve the flow state of temperature, pressure and the change of dielectric medium, such as increasing the stirring or medium circulation. Strengthening method of recent popular is the ultrasonic oscillation increased mechanical vibration, and using high pressure jet more forceful measures, methods and facilities and has appeared the comprehensive technical specialization, automation and mechanization, make parts cleaning to high quality, high efficiency and large quantities of jiajing.

Ultrasonic cleaning started from the nineteen fifties, it is the use of cleaning agent for cleaning parts of the surface, and at the same time with ultrasonic vibration to strengthen the whole cleaning process. With the development of technology has been perfected and widely used. Initially for the requirement of high speed and high quality manufacturing industry, electronic industry, metallurgy, manufacture of watches and instrument manufacturing industry, then gradually extended to other industry application. The cleaning effect depends largely on the "cavitation" i.e. ultrasonic radiator to solution to high frequency vibration, the half wave during expansion, compact solution is destroyed, the diameter is about some tiny bubbles 50~500 micron, the bubble is filled with steam and boiling solution solution drop, vapor pressure. In the half wave during compression, local hydraulic hole hole quickly closed and produce tens of MPA impact, cracks in the cleaning surface of the continuous ultrasonic micro explosion prompted the dirt cavitation and makes the cleaning liquid penetration into the. Common effect of cavitation and ultrasonic cleaning fluid activity of dirt, accelerates the cleaning process, result of dirt is destroyed and detached from the surface and be eliminated.

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