AL7075铝板价格:45.00元/千克 最小起订量:1 千克 供货总量:9000 千克 发货期限:自买家付款之日起1天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
7075铝棒简介,AA7075铝棒用途,AL7075铝棒产自美铝 7075铝棒耐腐蚀铝合金7075已被彻底评估大气风化,应力腐蚀开裂和剥落在目前所有可用的脾气。这些值已被用来作为较近期高的发展比较标准强度航天合金。在7XXX系列合金,抵抗一般攻击,SCC和剥落腐蚀的改善与高峰期相比,显着超龄的脾气(T7启动类型)实力脾气(T6)的。 7075铝棒许多热处理和热处理方法可用来谱载下的疲劳裂纹生长行为正在成为日益重要的合金疲劳关键的选择飞机结构。各种高强度航天合金飞行小时的生活中使用两种类型的预测相比,疲劳谱;机翼根应用(张力为主),和水平尾翼的应用(拉伸,压缩)。制定最佳的强度,韧性和其他可取的字符符teristics合金正确应用7075薄板和厚板产品。参照MIL-H6088,铝热处理合金附加信息。
Alloy 7075 has been thoroughly evaluated for corrosion resistance,of atmospheric weathering, stress-corrosion cracking and exfoliation,in all currently available tempers. These values have been used as a standard for comparison in the development of more recent high strength aerospace alloys. Within the 7XXX series of alloys,resistance to general corrosion attack, SCC and exfoliation improves significantly in the overage tempers (T7 type) compared with peak strength tempers (T6).
Fatigue crack growth behavior under spectrum loading is becoming increasingly
![]() Alloy 7075 sheet and plate products have application throughout aircraft and aerospace structures where a combination of high strength with moderate toughness and corrosion resistance are required.
Typical applications are alclad skin sheet, structural plate components up to 4 inches in thickness and general aluminum aerospace applications.
Note: value maximum if range not shown. ![]() |