压力传感器价格:0.00元/个 最小起订量:1 个 供货总量:100 个 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效
它的精确度高、可靠性好、具有防腐蚀能力、能承受机械载荷,适用于所有生产、研发或实验室的压力测量。 根据 EN 标准分级,测量范围从 25 mbar 到最大压力 4000 bar。外壳和介质浸润部分是由不锈钢制成的,这样就能抵抗介质的化学腐蚀。压力接口和测量元件是焊接在一起的,所以测量系统特别能抵抗机械震动或振动。
Technical data
Model P3276 Option
Pressure type negative or positive gauge pressure absolute pressure negative or positive gauge pressure
Output signal 4 . . . 20 mA - 2-wire 0 . . . 5 VDC - 3-wire 0 . . . 10 VDC - 3-wire other signals on request
Accuracy % of F. S. 1) 0,5 0,25% BFSL 0,25 0,13% BFSL 0,5 0,25% BFSL 0,25 0,13% BFSL 0,5 0,25% BFSL 0,25 0,13% BFSL
Ranges accord. to EN 0 . . . 0.1 bar2) to 0 ... 25 bar 0 ... 40 bar to 0 . . . 2500 bar 0 . . . 25 bar to 0 . . . 16 bar 0 . . . 25 mbar 3) 0 . . . 40 mbar 0 . . . 60 mbar
Sensor element piezoresistive Thin film piezoresistive
Repeatability ≤ ± 0.05% of F. S.
Stability (annual) ≤ ± 0.2% of F. S. in rated conditions
Case Stainless steel
Pressure connection 4) G 1/2 B to DIN 16 288 G 1/4 B; 1/4 NPT; 1/2 NPT
Wetted parts Stainless steel 1.4571 and 1.4542
Overload limit ≤ 16 bar 3,5 x; ≤ 600 bar 2 x; > 600 bar 1.5 x; Š 1600 bar 1,2 x
Electrical connection plug according to DIN EN 175301-803 form A with junction box round connector M12x1; 4-pin cable outlet with 1 m cable
Power supply 10 . . . 30 VDC (14 . . . 30 VDC for output 0 . . . 10 V)
Power consumption current output 4 . . . 20 mA: signal currency voltage output: 8 mA
for output (0) 4 . . . 20 mA Load Š UB – 10V for output 0(4)...20 mA 0,020A > 5 kOhm for output 0 . . . 5 V > 10 kOhm for output 0 . . . 10 V
Temp. compens. range 0 . . . 80 °C
Temperature influence
Zero point
Measuring range
± 0.2% / 10 K 5) ± 0.2% / 10 K
Adjustability zero point and full scale up to ± 10%
Response time ≤ 1 ms (within 10% to 90% of F. S.)
Protection type IP 65 to EN 60 529 / IEC 529 IP 67 to M12x1 connector IP 67 for cable outlet
Emission 6) according to EN 61 326
Interference6) according to EN 61 326
Electrical protection types polarity, overload and short-circuit protection
Temperature ranges
-40 . . .100 °C -30 . . .100 °C -20 . . . 80 °C
media temperature -40 . . . 125 °C
Weight approx. 0.2 kg
1) Terminal point adjustment according to DIN 16 086, incl. linearity and hysteresis of F. S. = of full scale value
2) 0.25% accuracy for ranges ≥0.25 bar
3) For ranges < 0.1 bar: model P3275; technical data as model P3276;
wetted parts 1.4571, Si, Al and Au; only applicable for dry and non aggressive gases
4) 0 . . . 2500 bar; M 16 x 1.5 female
5) Š± 0,4 %/10 K for measuring ranges 0 . . . 0.1 and 0 . . . 0.16 bar
6) Declaration of conformity on request